About Us

With more than 35,000 patient members, Dialysis Patient Citizens (DPC) is working to improve the quality of life for all dialysis patients through education and advocacy. We are a nationwide, non-profit, patient-led organization with membership open only to dialysis and pre-dialysis patients and their families. Our policies and our mission are guided solely by our membership.

Mission and Charter

Dialysis Patient Citizens is a patient-led, non-profit organization dedicated to improving dialysis citizens’ quality of life by advocating for favorable public policy.


To ensure optimal dialysis care through continual improvement of public policy.

DPC wants to give a voice to dialysis patients.

One of DPC’s goals is to provide dialysis patients with the education, access and confidence to be their own advocates. Through our grassroots advocacy campaigns, Patient Ambassador program; Washington, DC patient fly-ins; conference calls and briefings, DPC works to train effective advocates for dialysis related issues. DPC is here to rally patients to have their voices heard.

Patient-Led Organization

The intent of DPC is to reflect the voice of the patients. Our Board of Directors is composed of people with end-stage renal disease. We also rely on input from our membership to determine both our education and advocacy priorities. DPC members are invited to complete education and advocacy surveys to help shape DPC’s focus and determine the organization’s priorities.

Learn More About Dialysis Patient Citizens

About Us

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Large group of people on a stadium cheering and clapping during a sports match.



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