Apply for the Patient Ambassador Program

    Biographical Information


    Is the primary phone entered a cell phone?*

    [group secondary-phone-cell clear_on_hide]
    Is the secondary phone entered a cell phone?*

    Are you willing to have your contact information shared with fellow Patient Ambassadors?*
    Yes, you may share my contact information.No, you may not share my contact information.

    We encourage Patient Ambassadors to work together. If you are comfortable consenting to sharing your information, we would like to provide your contact information to your fellow Patient Ambassadors in your state or region to help you coordinate. We will not provide any of your information to third parties or anyone outside DPC and the Patient Ambassador program.

    Which of the following best describes you?*

    [group condition-group-dialysis clear_on_hide]

    Dialysis Center Information

    Dialysis Center Provider*

    Dialysis Days*


    Interview Questions

    What is your educational background?

    What political advocacy and public speaking experience do you have?

    What sort of writing experience do you have?

    Aside from DPC, are you involved in the kidney care community in any other ways?

    Is there anything else you are involved in that might be relevant to the Patient Ambassador Program?

    Why would you like to be a Patient Ambassador?

    Attachments: Here you may attach your resume, CV, or any other documents that might be relevant.

    Patient Ambassador Agreement
    I am a citizen of the United States of America. I will join the Patient Ambassador policy update calls when I am able. If I am not able to join the calls, I will listen to them afterwards. I will send my action reporting forms online by the time they are due even if I am unable to complete the actions. I will communicate with DPC and solicit feedback before I schedule meetings with legislators, hold events, and contact my local media.

    Do you agree to these terms? *
    Yes, I agree to these terms.

    Learn More About Patient Ambassadors

    Sample application form on tablet computer, man using tablet



    Handsome young African man talking on the smart phone and smiling while sitting indoors

    Upcoming Calls

    Checklist and pen

    Report Advocacy Activity

    Patient Ambassador Spotlight