Patient Ambassador Spotlight
DPC’s Patient Ambassadors play a critical role in advancing one of our core missions—to elevate the patient voice with policy makers. Our Patient Ambassadors serve as leaders in their communities and dialysis facilities to help us engage others. They often organize meetings or dialysis facility tours to better inform elected officials on the challenges facing dialysis patients. They write letters to the editor to raise public awareness on critical issues for ESRD patients. In general, Patient Ambassadors drive our work through their dedicated advocacy efforts. We very much appreciate everything they do, and try to Spotlight some of their efforts here.
Letter: Supreme Court ruling harms dialysis patients
Dear Editor: Kidney failure, known as end stage renal disease (ESRD), brought many difficulties to my life. I had high blood pressure and diabetes, which ultimately caused my kidneys to fail. My kidney disease went undiagnosed for a long time, and when I was diagnosed, my husband, daughter and [...]