
DPC Urges Nevada Commission of Insurance to Not Make Cuts for Patients’ Modality, Transportation, Care and Treatment

2024-03-29T02:09:01+00:00September 27th, 2012|Categories: Access to Transplant, Comment Letter, Immunosuppressive Drug Coverage, Improve Access to Care, State Advocacy, Transplant Donor Protection, Treatment Options|

Scott J. Kipper Commissioner of Insurance State of Nevada 1818 E. College Parkway, Suite 103 Carson City, NV 89706 Dear Commissioner Kipper: As America’s largest patient-led organization representing dialysis patients, Dialysis Patient Citizens (DPC) works to improve the quality of life of all dialysis patients through education and advocacy. Today we are writing on behalf of the nearly 3,000 dialysis patients in Nevada to make sure that their health and interests are represented in the State’s essential health benefits plan. DPC is committed to improving patient health and quality of life and to that end, there are several important benefits [...]

Dialysis Patient Citizens’ Patient Advocates Storm Capitol Hill

2024-03-29T02:09:26+00:00September 19th, 2011|Categories: Access to Transplant, Immunosuppressive Drug Coverage, Press Release|

Participants met with Members of Congress to Discuss Extending Immunosuppressive Drug Coverage for Transplant Patients, Deficit Reduction Efforts (Washington, DC) – Last week, patient advocates with Dialysis Patient Citizens (DPC) traveled to Washington, DC to meet with their Members of Congress and discuss legislative issues important to the 31 million Americans with chronic kidney disease. Participants from 21 states came to the nation’s capital for a multi-day trip that included a congressional briefing, training session and culminated in a day of meetings on Capitol Hill. DPC, the nation’s largest patient-led dialysis organization, organized the event in an effort to raise awareness [...]

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