Dialysis Patients Outraged by CMS Move Giving Insurers Illegal Veto Power Over Access to Private Coverage
Dialysis Patient Citizens says CMS rule tacitly allows insurers to discriminate based on patients’ health condition Washington, D.C. – Advocates for dialysis patients are outraged by an interim final rule issued late yesterday by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that could force patients off their current health plans and jeopardize their access to care. The rule, which CMS wrote with the stated purpose of ensuring that dialysis patients receive accurate information about their health coverage options, instead empowers insurers to prevent those patients from receiving charitable premium assistance that makes their health insurance affordable. “The administration is [...]
Urge the U.S. Senate to Open Medicare Advantage for ESRD Patients
The ESRD Choice Act (H.R. 5659) unanimously passed in the House of Representatives on September 21. Thanks in large part to your persistent advocacy, we are now one step closer to opening Medicare Advantage enrollment to ESRD patients. Unfortunately, we still need the Senate to take action. Please take a few minutes to urge your Senators to move this issue to the President’s desk for signature. Contact your Senators about the importance of expanding insurance options for ESRD patients. Learn more about Medicare Advantage
DPC Submits Comments to CMS’ Request for Information
In late August, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) placed a Request for Information about insurance steering and the use of third-party payments for insurance premiums. DPC has consistently advocated for patient choice in regards to insurance plans, we believe patients have the right to choose an insurance plan that works best with their health needs and desired outcomes. DPC submitted comments in response to this request emphasizing the increased benefits some exchange plans offer to dialysis patients as opposed to traditional Medicare. In addition to submitting formal comments, DPC has created a dedicated “Patient Assistance” information page where you can find press [...]