
DPC Advocates for Improved Patient Access to Care with State Lawmakers

2024-03-29T01:13:33+00:00September 11th, 2019|Categories: Article, Medigap Coverage, State Advocacy|

Last month, DPC spoke with lawmakers at the National Conference of State Legislatures about the importance of having access to a supplemental insurance like Medigap to help pay for the deductibles and co-pays not covered by Medicare. When Medigap plans were first introduced, Congress only guaranteed issue of these plans to traditional Medicare beneficiaries and therefore did not extend this protection to those who gain Medicare coverage prior to age 65, including people with end-stage renal disease. Currently, only 28 states offer Medigap plans to people on dialysis. People on dialysis face serious financial struggles in areas where Medigap coverage is not [...]

Dialysis Issues Are Heating Up in California

2024-03-29T01:13:34+00:00August 6th, 2019|Categories: State Advocacy, Uncategorized|

With summer temperatures on the rise, so too are kidney care issues both nationally and in California, where dialysis policies in particular remain hot button topics despite the defeat of Proposition 8 last November by a relatively wide margin. In an effort to protect dialysis patients’ access to quality care, DPC continues to elevate the patient voice with policy makers while also committing even more resources on the ground. In fact, DPC recently established a new advocacy office in Sacramento less than a block from the State Capitol. We also hired Kelly Goss to serve as DPC’s new California State Advocacy Manager. [...]

DPC’s Letter to the California Assembly About Quality Ratings

2024-03-29T01:13:35+00:00April 23rd, 2019|Categories: 5-Star Ratings, Comment Letter, State Advocacy|

Assembly Member Jim Wood Chair Committee on Health State Capitol, Room 6005 Sacramento, CA 95814 Assembly Member Chad Mayes Vice Chair Committee on Health State Capitol, Room 6005 Sacramento, CA 95814 Re: Support for AB 1448 Dear Chairman Wood and Vice Chairman Mayes: With 32,000 dialysis patient members, over 4,000 of whom reside in California, Dialysis Patient Citizens (DPC) is the nation’s largest patient-led organization representing individuals with end-stage renal disease (ESRD).  On behalf of California’s 70,000 ESRD patients and the DPC Board of Directors, I am writing to express our strong support for [...]

Help DPC Protect Dialysis Access in Oregon, Illinois and California

2024-03-29T01:13:35+00:00April 18th, 2019|Categories: State Advocacy, Uncategorized|

Dialysis Patient Citizens (DPC) continues to work hard protecting dialysis patients by opposing three bills that would threaten access to quality care if passed. More than 468,000 Americans rely on dialysis treatments to stay alive. Unfortunately, this access to treatment is being threatened with three bills, which may disrupt the provider network dialysis patients rely on and lower the quality of care they depend on. These bills are: Senate Bill 900 – Oregon Senate Bill 650 – Illinois Assembly Bill 290 – California Specifically, we are concerned that these bills will cut reimbursement rates private insurance companies pay to cover dialysis care. [...]

Take Action to Protect Dialysis Access in Oregon

2024-03-29T01:13:35+00:00April 2nd, 2019|Categories: Charitable Premium Assistance, Dialysis Funding, Improve Access to Care, State Advocacy|

Receiving dialysis treatment three times a week is critical for the survival of the 6,000 patients in Oregon with End-Stage Renal Disease, or kidney failure. Unfortunately, this access to treatment is being threatened with Senate Bill 900, which may disrupt the provider network dialysis patients rely on and lower the quality of care they depend on. Specifically, we are concerned that SB 900 will cut reimbursement rates private insurance companies pay to cover dialysis care. These reimbursement rates are crucial to dialysis facilities because Medicare does not cover the full cost of care for treating dialysis patients. Reduced payments may [...]

Action Alert – DPC Supports Expanding Access to Organ Transplants in California

2024-03-29T01:13:35+00:00March 27th, 2019|Categories: State Advocacy, Uncategorized|

Dialysis Patient Citizens (DPC) continues its efforts to improve the quality of life for dialysis patients by advocating for an assembly bill in California that would expand access to organ transplants. Danny Iniguez, Secretary of DPC's Board of Directors and a resident of California, expressed the importance of passing Assembly Bill 1223 by highlighting the positive impact on both patients and organ donors and sharing his childhood experience with kidney failure. Starting at age 12 Iniguez was on and off dialysis as a result of a bicycle accident and had to wait over 10 years to receive a kidney transplant. [...]

Kidney Communi­ty Blocks Threats to Charitable Assistance and Dialysis Funding in California

2024-03-29T01:13:35+00:00March 18th, 2019|Categories: Article, Charitable Premium Assistance, Dialysis Funding, State Advocacy|Tags: |

By Megan Hashbarger, Director of Congressional and State Relations, Dialysis Patient Citizens Dialysis Patients Citizen’s (DPC) mission is to improve dialysis citizens’ quality of life. As a result, we have played an important role in increasing patient access to: health insurance coverage, care coordination, medications and innovative therapies. While we work hard to improve public policies for patients, sometimes we are put on defense to protect our previous hard-fought victories. One of the most important tools for protecting patient choice and access to insurance coverage is the ability of charities to provide financial assistance in helping dialysis patients purchase insurance [...]

Assembly Bill 290 Threatens Dialysis Quality and Access for Patients Living in California

2024-03-29T01:13:36+00:00February 19th, 2019|Categories: Article, Charitable Premium Assistance, Dialysis Funding, Improve Access to Care, State Advocacy|

Receiving dialysis treatment three times a week is critical to survival for the 70,000 patients in California with End-Stage Renal Disease, or kidney failure. Unfortunately, this access to treatment is being threatened with California Assembly Bill 290 (Woods), which may disrupt the provider network dialysis patients rely on and lower the quality of care they depend on. This legislation is similar to Senate Bill 1156, which was defeated by dialysis patients and vetoed by California Governor Jerry Brown last year. Specifically, we are concerned that AB 290 will cut reimbursement rates private insurance companies pay to cover dialysis care. These reimbursement rates [...]

California Residents Vote Against Proposition 8 to Protect Dialysis Patients’ Access to Care

2024-03-29T01:13:37+00:00November 7th, 2018|Categories: Article, Dialysis Funding, State Advocacy|

With a 62 percent majority vote, California residents voted against proposition 8, which could have had devastating consequences for dialysis patients’ access to care if passed. DPC is grateful for all of the patients and advocates who spoke to their friends, family, and peers about the dangers of this flawed ballot initiative. We will continue our work to elevate the voice of individuals with kidney disease, as we fight for patients' rights and continued access to quality care. There are over 84,0001 individuals in California with kidney failure. If proposition 8 had passed, many dialysis facilities would have faced potential closure, [...]

California Residents: October 22 Voter Registration Deadline Approaching

2024-03-29T01:13:37+00:00October 19th, 2018|Categories: Article, Dialysis Funding, Improve Access to Care, State Advocacy|

The deadline to register to vote in California is Monday, October 22. This is an especially important year to get your voice heard as the outcome of the election can impact the over 84,0001 individuals in California with kidney failure. Proposition 8 is a dangerous ballot initiative in California, and if passed, can have devastating consequences for dialysis patients’ access to care. Specifically, many dialysis facilities will face potential closure leaving patients to: Scramble to find new dialysis facilities for their treatment and Potentially travel much farther to receive their life-saving care Dialysis patient access to care is at stake! Help the 84,000+ dialysis [...]

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