
Record Number of Applicants for our 2018 Advocacy Day

2024-03-29T01:13:39+00:00January 11th, 2018|Categories: Article, Get Involved, Take Action|

Before the holidays, we opened our application for our 2018 Advocacy Day. It is apparent that advocacy is part of many ESRD patients’ New Year’s resolutions because we received almost 150 applications to attend our advocacy day! This is a record number of interested members willing to have their voice heard by legislators on behalf of ESRD patients across the nation. If you missed the deadline, but advocacy is still a part of your New Year’s resolutions there are still ways to get involved! Visit our kidney action center to send messages to your Members of Congress on issues affecting kidney [...]

Urge the U.S. Senate to Open Medicare Advantage for ESRD Patients

2024-03-29T01:13:42+00:00October 13th, 2016|Categories: Article, Medicare Advantage, Take Action|

The ESRD Choice Act (H.R. 5659) unanimously passed in the House of Representatives on September 21. Thanks in large part to your persistent advocacy, we are now one step closer to opening Medicare Advantage enrollment to ESRD patients. Unfortunately, we still need the Senate to take action. Please take a few minutes to urge your Senators to move this issue to the President’s desk for signature. Contact your Senators about the importance of expanding insurance options for ESRD patients. Learn more about Medicare Advantage

DPC Encourages Participation in National Kidney Month Awareness

2024-03-29T01:50:30+00:00March 10th, 2016|Categories: Article, Charitable Premium Assistance, Dialysis Funding, Get Involved, Take Action, Transplant Donor Protection, Uncategorized|

March is National Kidney Month, which provides you with the perfect opportunity to spread awareness by educating your community and your legislators about kidney disease and the importance of kidney health. You can find educational information on the website of our sister organization, the DPC Education Center to share with your family and community. Additionally, we can provide promotional materials for any awareness events you plan to hold in March. To request materials such as pens and squeezable kidneys, visit our materials request page or call us at 1-866-877-4242. On the legislative front, you can ask your member of Congress to [...]

DPC Encourages Participation in 2016 Primary Elections

2024-03-29T01:50:30+00:00February 11th, 2016|Categories: Article, Take Action|

While the November presidential election is still months away, DPC encourages its members to participate in the caucuses and primaries in your state. These elections help to shape the ultimate contest in November for President, Members of Congress, as well as for state and local office holders. To be eligible to vote, a person must be a United States citizen, at least 18 years old, and meet his or her state residency requirements. Many states offer absentee ballots that voters can send through the mail. For more information on your state guidelines for voter registration, absentee ballots and more, visit the [...]

Patients Work on Advocacy at Home During Congressional Recess

2024-03-29T01:50:32+00:00September 16th, 2015|Categories: Get Involved, State Advocacy, Take Action|

While Congress was in recess during the month of August, DPC Patient Ambassadors used this opportunity to engage their legislators at home. Patient Ambassadors attended meetings with congressional staff, hosted facility tours and wrote letters to the editor in support of The Chronic Kidney Disease Improvement in Research and Treatment Act (H.R. 1130, S. 598). Facility tours and meetings took place all across the country. Specifically, Bob L. from Oregon, Kathy S. from Ohio, Jim M. from Indiana and Arthur G. from Pennsylvania hosted their legislators at dialysis facilities and shared their stories to encourage support of the kidney bill. [...]

Election Results Shouldn’t Affect ESRD Program, But New Members of Congress Need to be Educated on Medicare’s Role

2024-03-29T01:50:35+00:00November 13th, 2014|Categories: Article, Take Action|

Republicans gained control of the U.S. Senate in last week's elections, but this change is not expected to affect Congressional policymaking on dialysis issues. While some health care issues involve contentious partisan bickering, historically the nuts-and-bolts, day-to-day operations of the Medicare program have been managed on a bipartisan basis by Congress' professional staff members, overseen by Congressional committee chairs with expertise on Medicare. What will be different is that many new Members of Congress will take office in January who do not have experience with Medicare or ESRD issues. At least five new Senators and fifty new House Members will take [...]

New Medicare Rule for Dialysis Facilities Brings Changes to “Pay for Performance” Formula

2024-03-29T02:08:05+00:00July 1st, 2014|Categories: Get Involved, Quality Incentive Program, Take Action|

Last week, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released its Proposed Rule specifying how dialysis facilities will be paid in 2015 and beyond. Most of the proposed changes relate to the Quality Improvement Program for dialysis. The Quality Improvement Program (QIP) sets performance standards for each clinic and penalizes clinics that do not meet or make progress toward the standards by cutting their payments by up to two percent. The purpose is to incentivize providers to do a better job by tying their pay to performance. This year’s rule proposes several changes including new measures related to: patient [...]

3 Things You Can Do for National Kidney Month

2024-03-29T02:08:07+00:00February 28th, 2014|Categories: Article, Take Action|

March is National Kidney Month which provides the perfect opportunity to educate your community about kidney disease! Here are some suggestions to help you increase awareness about kidney disease: The DPC Education Center is holding a grassroots fundraiser to raise money for our kidney education efforts. We'll give you the tools you will need to participate. Fundraise World Kidney Day is March 13. If you are interested in handing out information in your dialysis facility or your community, we can provide all the materials and instructions you will need. Hold an Event Visit our Legislative Action Center to [...]

Apply for DPC’s 2014 World Kidney Day Fly-in

2024-03-29T02:08:08+00:00December 1st, 2013|Categories: Article, Get Involved, Take Action|

Dialysis Patient Citizens (DPC) is holding our 2014 World Kidney Day Fly-in from March 11 through March 13 in Washington, DC.   Are you ready to join the nation’s top patient advocates in Washington, DC and talk to your legislators directly about the issues that affect dialysis patients? If so, be sure to apply! We are looking for kidney disease patients who are passionate about dialysis advocacy. Before applying, you must first enroll in DPC’s Patient’s Ambassador Program. Preference will be given to applicants who have volunteered for DPC in the past and who live in key congressional districts. At the [...]

CMS Proposes Devastating Cuts to Dialysis Payments

2024-03-29T02:08:57+00:00July 19th, 2013|Categories: Article, Dialysis Funding, Take Action|

URGENT: Protect your dialysis care! Urge your Members of Congress to prevent a kidney care crisis! The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) just released a regulation that proposes to reduce Medicare funding for dialysis treatments by 9.4%. The American Taxpayers Relief Act (the fiscal cliff deal) mandated CMS to adjust the price it pays for dialysis to reflect the recent change in usage of certain anemia management drugs. However, no one in the kidney community expected CMS to propose such a dramatic and potentially devastating cut. Please take a few moments to express your outrage to your Members of [...]

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