
Dialysis Patient Citizens News

Help DPC Protect Dialysis Access in Oregon, Illinois and California

April 18th, 2019|

Dialysis Patient Citizens (DPC) continues to work hard protecting dialysis patients by opposing three bills that would threaten access to quality care if passed. More than 468,000 Americans rely on dialysis treatments to stay alive. Unfortunately, this access to treatment is being threatened with three bills, which may disrupt the provider network dialysis patients rely on and lower the quality of care they depend on. These bills are: Senate Bill 900 – Oregon Senate Bill 650 – Illinois Assembly Bill 290 – California Specifically, we are concerned that these [...]

How the Government is Combatting Kidney Disease in the United States

April 10th, 2019|

The U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), Alex M. Azar II, discussed the future of kidney health in a speech last month. Azar has a personal connection with the disease as his father had end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and had to go to dialysis multiple times a week. His father was no longer working full-time when the treatment began, making the condition easier to manage. Azar's father later underwent peritoneal dialysis, calling the treatment a "revolutionary change" in his father's lifestyle, and ultimately received a transplant [...]

Take Action to Protect Dialysis Access in Oregon

April 2nd, 2019|

Receiving dialysis treatment three times a week is critical for the survival of the 6,000 patients in Oregon with End-Stage Renal Disease, or kidney failure. Unfortunately, this access to treatment is being threatened with Senate Bill 900, which may disrupt the provider network dialysis patients rely on and lower the quality of care they depend on. Specifically, we are concerned that SB 900 will cut reimbursement rates private insurance companies pay to cover dialysis care. These reimbursement rates are crucial to dialysis facilities because Medicare does not [...]

Action Alert – DPC Supports Expanding Access to Organ Transplants in California

March 27th, 2019|

Dialysis Patient Citizens (DPC) continues its efforts to improve the quality of life for dialysis patients by advocating for an assembly bill in California that would expand access to organ transplants. Danny Iniguez, Secretary of DPC's Board of Directors and a resident of California, expressed the importance of passing Assembly Bill 1223 by highlighting the positive impact on both patients and organ donors and sharing his childhood experience with kidney failure. Starting at age 12 Iniguez was on and off dialysis as a result of a bicycle [...]

Kidney Communi­ty Blocks Threats to Charitable Assistance and Dialysis Funding in California

March 18th, 2019|

By Megan Hashbarger, Director of Congressional and State Relations, Dialysis Patient Citizens Dialysis Patients Citizen’s (DPC) mission is to improve dialysis citizens’ quality of life. As a result, we have played an important role in increasing patient access to: health insurance coverage, care coordination, medications and innovative therapies. While we work hard to improve public policies for patients, sometimes we are put on defense to protect our previous hard-fought victories. One of the most important tools for protecting patient choice and access to insurance coverage is the [...]

Insights from the Dialysis Patient Citizens 2018 Patient Survey: Patients’ Priorities for Quality Measures and New Innovations in ESRD Care

March 11th, 2019|

By Jackson Williams, Director of Regulatory Affairs and General Counsel, Dialysis Patient Citizens Dialysis Patient Citizens (DPC) thanks everyone who completed its 2018 Patient Survey. It is another way to make your voices heard. We use our patient survey to get your input on current issues and to convey your opinions to policymakers in Washington, DC. This year, our survey included questions on two recent developments in Washington: Medicare’s “Meaningful Measures” Initiative: In early 2018, Medicare officials announced plans to reduce the number of quality measures it [...]

Advocacy Day application deadline is THURSDAY

February 25th, 2019|

As a reminder, the Advocacy Day application deadline is Thursday, February 28. If you haven't already applied, please consider doing so. We are very fortunate that we are able to bring dialysis patients to Washington, D.C. each year to meet with their elected officials. This provides advocates like you with the unique opportunity to make your voice heard on behalf of dialysis patients from your state in order to improve dialysis care. This year is no exception. We will meet with Members of Congress and their staff on [...]

2018 Midterm Election Wrap-Up

February 22nd, 2019|

By Megan Hashbarger, Director of Congressional and State Relations, Dialysis Patient Citizens This past November, America held its 2018 midterm elections. We call it a midterm election because it is held between the four-year cycle of Presidential elections and is often seen as a reflection of the country’s temperament towards the President’s agenda. This cycle saw big wins for Democrats but also some solid victories for Republicans. While Democrats picked up over 40 seats and retook the majority in the House, Republicans held on to and increased [...]

Assembly Bill 290 Threatens Dialysis Quality and Access for Patients Living in California

February 19th, 2019|

Receiving dialysis treatment three times a week is critical to survival for the 70,000 patients in California with End-Stage Renal Disease, or kidney failure. Unfortunately, this access to treatment is being threatened with California Assembly Bill 290 (Woods), which may disrupt the provider network dialysis patients rely on and lower the quality of care they depend on. This legislation is similar to Senate Bill 1156, which was defeated by dialysis patients and vetoed by California Governor Jerry Brown last year. Specifically, we are concerned that AB 290 will cut [...]

NIH Seeks Volunteers to Help Cure Diseases and Solve Health Problems

February 13th, 2019|

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is looking for volunteers to participate in the All of Us program, which is a research initiative that tracks the health of U.S. participants. The initiative is not centered around a specific disease or population. Instead, it is intended to accelerate research and improve a large assortment of health conditions by evaluating the impact of lifestyle, environment and biological makeup on health and disease. Participants may elect to help by filling out surveys, sharing electronic health records, getting a physical, sharing [...]

DPC’s Advocacy Day Application is NOW OPEN!

January 31st, 2019|

As highlighted last month, Dialysis Patient Citizens would like to reiterate our gratitude for all of your efforts to elevate the patient voice with policy makers in 2018. To say thanks, we would like to invite you to apply for our 2019 Advocacy Day! We are very fortunate that we are able to bring dialysis patients to Washington, D.C. each year to meet with their elected officials. This provides advocates like you with the unique opportunity to make your voice heard on behalf of dialysis patients from your state [...]

Getting to Know Your Members of Congress

January 17th, 2019|

DPC Board Member Andrew Conkling with Alabama Representative Gary Palmer Part of the responsibility of advocating for your health is getting informed about and building relationships with your local lawmakers. The 2018 midterm elections brought in more than 100 new Representatives on January 3, 2019, many of whom have never held elected office. A lot of these new Members are women and minorities. Now is great time to start getting to know your local lawmakers to educate them on kidney disease and to share your story. [...]

Become a Member of DPC and Save on Top Brands

January 2nd, 2019|

Treat yourself this year with the gift of free DPC membership. One of the perks we offer our members is discounts on top brands. If you are planning to purchase a computer, rent a car, move to a new home, ship a package, print materials or buy office supplies, you could benefit from DPC membership. Become a member and join almost 40,000 patients, family members, health professionals and friends that help to elevate the voice of individuals with chronic kidney disease. Join Dialysis Patient Citizens.

Happy Holidays and DPC’s Top 10 Accomplishments of 2018

December 19th, 2018|

Dialysis Patient Citizens wants to wish you and your family a Happy Holiday, as well as a safe and healthy New Year. We also want to take this opportunity to share with you our Top 10 list of accomplishments for 2018, which would not have been possible without your support. Thank you for helping us elevate the dialysis patient voice with policy makers. We are extremely grateful for all of your efforts, and we look forward to our continued collaboration in 2019 as we work together to [...]

The Lame Duck Congress

December 5th, 2018|

The 115th Congress has three remaining weeks to conduct business before the new Congress is sworn in on January 3, 2019. With so many outgoing Members and with Democrats taking over control of the House, some speculated Congress would get a lot accomplished during this lame duck session. That, however, does not appear to be the case. Last week, following the passing of President George H.W. Bush, Congress quietly passed a spending bill, which will keep the government running through December 21, 2018. In order to avert a government shutdown, they [...]

Remembering Bob Lee

November 29th, 2018|

Dialysis Patient Citizens (DPC) Education Center mourns the sudden passing of Board Member Robert “Bob” Lee, 54. Lee was a dedicated activist from Oregon who played a critical role in educating policy makers about the importance of protecting patient choice and access to care. Specifically, his continuous outreach to Senator Wyden helped secure passage of legislation to open Medicare Advantage to dialysis patients. Lee traveled to Washington, DC multiple times to meet with Members of Congress. He also travelled to Salem to testify at hearings before the [...]

Medicare Adds Transplant Measure to ESRD Quality Improvement Program

November 18th, 2018|

On November 1, 2018, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued its final annual rule updating payment policies for the End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Prospective Payment System and the ESRD Quality Incentive Program (QIP). Among new quality measures to take effect beginning in 2022 is Percentage of Prevalent Patients Placed on a Transplant Waiting List (PPPW). This measure was already scheduled to be reported for individual clinics, beginning next year, on CMS’ Dialysis Facility Compare website. Adding it to the QIP means that facilities can [...]

California Residents Vote Against Proposition 8 to Protect Dialysis Patients’ Access to Care

November 7th, 2018|

With a 62 percent majority vote, California residents voted against proposition 8, which could have had devastating consequences for dialysis patients’ access to care if passed. DPC is grateful for all of the patients and advocates who spoke to their friends, family, and peers about the dangers of this flawed ballot initiative. We will continue our work to elevate the voice of individuals with kidney disease, as we fight for patients' rights and continued access to quality care. There are over 84,0001 individuals in California with kidney failure. [...]

Medicare Threat to Vascular Access Centers Delayed

November 6th, 2018|

Last month we reported that the Centers for Medicaid Services (CMS) was proposing to cut reimbursement for vascular access centers effective January 2019. We’re pleased to report now that CMS is delaying any cuts as it studies the matter further. In recent years, CMS has pushed for “site-neutral payments,” meaning that Medicare pays the same for procedures regardless of whether they are performed in a doctor’s office or a more costly hospital setting. Specifically, this means paying at the lowest rate. In the case of vascular surgery for dialysis access, [...]

Proposition 8 Podcast and 48 Hours Left to Vote

November 4th, 2018|

Podcast About Proposition 8 Dialysis Patient Citizens recently spoke at length about the disastrous consequences if proposition 8 were to be passed. Listen to the podcast. The Dangers of Proposition 8 Proposition 8 is a dangerous ballot initiative in California, and if passed, can have devastating consequences for dialysis patients’ access to care. Specifically, many dialysis facilities will face potential closure leaving patients to: Scramble to find new dialysis facilities for their treatment and Potentially travel much farther to receive their life-saving care Dialysis patient access to care [...]

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