
Dialysis Patient Citizens News

Advocacy for More Care Coordination

October 24th, 2018|

DPC continues its advocacy in support of the Dialysis PATIENTS Demonstration Act (H.R. 4143/S. 2065), recently reaching out to members of both the House of Representatives and Senate. In our letters to Congress, we highlighted a number of important healthcare improvements for dialysis patients that are tied to the PATIENTS Act, including better care coordination, additional patient support and improved quality standards among clinics. DPC is joined by a number of organizations that agree on the potential benefits to patients in The Dialysis PATIENTS Act and have pledged [...]

California Residents: October 22 Voter Registration Deadline Approaching

October 19th, 2018|

The deadline to register to vote in California is Monday, October 22. This is an especially important year to get your voice heard as the outcome of the election can impact the over 84,0001 individuals in California with kidney failure. Proposition 8 is a dangerous ballot initiative in California, and if passed, can have devastating consequences for dialysis patients’ access to care. Specifically, many dialysis facilities will face potential closure leaving patients to: Scramble to find new dialysis facilities for their treatment and Potentially travel much farther to receive their life-saving [...]

DPC Increases Advocacy Efforts to Help Block Proposition 8

October 10th, 2018|

Proposition 8 is a dangerous ballot initiative that California residents will be asked to vote on this November. If proposition 8 is passed, this can have devastating consequences for dialysis patients’ access to care. Specifically, many dialysis facilities will face potential closure leaving patients to: Scramble to find new dialysis facilities for their treatment and Potentially travel much farther to receive their life-saving care Even if you are not a resident of California, your influence can help dialysis patients. Please help us spread the word about the dangers [...]

November’s Patient Ambassador Call: The Impact of the 2018 Election on Dialysis Patients

October 5th, 2018|

Get the inside scoop about what the results of this year’s election mean for you as a dialysis patient. In addition, find out what you can do after the election to ensure your access to care is not compromised. Join our Patient Ambassador call on Tuesday, November 13 at 3:00PM Eastern for more information. What is a Patient Ambassador? A Patient Ambassador is a person with kidney disease or family member who volunteers to represent DPC by being a leader in their community and local dialysis facility. One [...]

California Governor Vetoes Bill After Dialysis Patients Raise Concerns

October 1st, 2018|

Thanks to the help of many dialysis patients and advocates, California Governor Jerry Brown vetoed Senate Bill 1156. Senate Bill 1156 is one of the many policy issues impacting dialysis patients that DPC worked on this year. In 2018 alone, DPC and its advocates sent over 55,000 emails to lawmakers expressing concerns about the bill. In addition, with the help of local patients, DPC met with over 40 lawmakers in California to speak about the negative impact this bill would have on individuals receiving dialysis treatment. DPC [...]

DPC Comments on Threat to Vascular Access Centers

September 19th, 2018|

The Centers for Medicaid Services (CMS) is proposing to cut reimbursement for vascular access centers. This could negatively impact dialysis patents’ access to care, which is why we have weighed in on this important issue. Dialysis Access and Fistulas People with kidney failure need to have a dialysis access placed in order to receive live-saving dialysis treatments. Vascular surgeons create and maintain arteriovenous fistulas, which is a type of dialysis access. Fistulas are important for individuals on dialysis as they are considered a best practice in kidney [...]

Congressional Update Call This Thursday

September 14th, 2018|

We would like to help you become more involved in dialysis patient advocacy by inviting you to attend our patient ambassador call this Thursday to get an update from Washington, D.C., learn more about our patient ambassador program and learn about our other advocacy opportunities. If you are already one of our patient ambassadors, we look forward to hearing from you and hope you are able to join! Join us Thursday, September 20 at 3:00 PM Eastern for an important and exciting update from Washington, DC. Tune in [...]

US Department of Labor Protects Living Organ Donors

September 5th, 2018|

The US Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division published an opinion letter last week stating that surgery for people who donate an organ qualifies as a “serious health condition” under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). The letter may provide reassurance to individuals that are considering donating a kidney, but are concerned about losing their jobs due to being away for surgery or post-surgery care. About the Family and Medical Leave Act The FMLA allows “eligible employees of covered employers” the ability to take 12 [...]

CALL TO ACTION – Contact California Governor to Oppose SB 1156

September 3rd, 2018|

Last week, the California Assembly voted in favor of passing Senate Bill 1156. If this bill is enacted into law, many dialysis facilities will face potential closure leaving patients to: Scramble to find new dialysis facilities for their treatment 3 times a week and Potentially travel much farther to receive their life-saving treatments Senate Bill 1156 has now moved onto the desk of California Governor Jerry Brown, who has until the end of September to act on the bill. This is your last chance to prevent this [...]

DPC Comments on Annual Medicare ESRD Rule

August 29th, 2018|

Dialysis Patient Citizens sent its comment letter to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) expressing concerns and providing feedback on its End-Stage Renal Disease Prospective Payment System and Quality Incentive Program proposed payment rule (CMS-1691-P). The letter was informed by results from Dialysis Patient Citizen’s 2018 membership survey and focused on the following areas: Quality incentive program and the meaningful measures framework Transitional drug add-on payment adjustment and payments to reward innovation Request for information on price transparency Our hope is that by addressing these [...]

DPC Supports Improved Access to Private Insurance for Patients

August 22nd, 2018|

Currently, dialysis patients are restricted to 30 months on private insurance coverage before having to go into Medicare. The House of Representatives recently proposed extending this length of time by three months, which is estimated to save Medicare $344 million. Access to private insurance is critical for dialysis patients, and we are very appreciative of the House’s efforts to improve that access. Read our letter below in support of this proposal: Dear Leader McConnell, Minority Leader Schumer, Chairman Hatch, and Ranking Member Wyden: As America’s largest patient-led [...]

Action Needed for Potential Senate Bill 1156 Vote on Monday

August 15th, 2018|

Dialysis Patient Citizens is requesting your support of kidney failure patients by urging your legislator to oppose Senate Bill 1156 (Leyva). If this bill is enacted into law, many dialysis facilities will face potential closure leaving patients to: Scramble to find new dialysis facilities for their treatment 3 times a week and Potentially travel much farther to receive their life-saving treatments Your support is critical in ensuring lawmakers are educated and reminded about the struggles patients with kidney disease will face if this bill is passed. The [...]

Elevate the Voice of Patients with Kidney Disease

July 27th, 2018|

Our 2018 Annual Membership Survey is live, and it will remain open until Friday, August 10. This survey takes your input as a patient with kidney disease and helps to shape our public policy agenda and patient education priorities for the next year. In addition to determining Dialysis Patient Citizen's priorities, we regularly communicate survey results to state and federal level policy makers, so they will better understand your needs, experiences, and preferences. As a result, your feedback is crucial. Therefore, this year we will be awarding $100 gift [...]

California Lawmakers Considering Bill That Would Close Dialysis Centers

July 19th, 2018|

State legislators in California continue to consider legislation, which we believe would harm dialysis patients by ultimately limiting their access to their life-saving treatment. This legislation, which is being pushed by the labor union, Service Employees International Union, would cut reimbursement rates for patients on private insurance to Medicare/Medi-Cal levels, which are already below the actual cost of care. This will cause many facilities across California to close and leave patients scrambling to find their needed care. Last month, we were able to get almost 16,000 people in [...]

Annual Medicare ESRD Rule Highlights Innovation and “Meaningful Measures”

July 16th, 2018|

Last week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed what they called “innovative changes” to the payment rule for the End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) program. The rule includes a “proposal to address new renal dialysis drug and biological costs and foster innovations in treatment by incentivizing new therapies for patients on dialysis and a proposal to reduce facility-related documentation burden.” It contains the first changes to the ESRD Quality Incentive Program (QIP) since last year’s announcement of CMS’ “Meaningful Measures” Initiative. Funding for Dialysis The proposed [...]

Researchers and Journalists Call Out Poorly Performing Organ Procurement Organizations

July 16th, 2018|

Recent research and journalism has highlighted significant variations in the ability of regional Organ Procurement Organizations (OPOs) to obtain donor organs for transplants. An analysis by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania rated 35 of 58 OPOs, and identified the best performers among them the OPOs serving Utah and Southern Idaho; Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Delaware; the Finger Lakes region of New York; Wisconsin; and Nebraska. The poorest performing were those serving the New York City region; Southern California; Kentucky; and North Carolina. The New York City [...]

Facts About the Dialysis De-Funding Campaign in California

April 26th, 2018|

The Dialysis De-Funding Campaign is sponsored by two labor unions that seek to represent workers at dialysis clinics. Rather than try to unionize dialysis facility employees through elections, they are trying to punish dialysis providers through policies that cost them financially in order to gain voluntary recognition. The three cutback proposals are likely to affect access to care by leading to facility closures, restricting access to private insurance, and decreasing services available from facilities. The Dialysis De-Funding Campaign consists of three measures: Senate Bill 349: Regulates staffing and [...]

Media Coverage Increases on Kidney Health

April 10th, 2018|

Kidney Month has passed yet the coverage on kidney health is continuing well into April. DPC is pleased to report the publication of several letters to the editor in response to our advocacy day in support of the Dialysis PATIENTS Act. Our advocates have been published in the states of Washington, Alabama, Kansas and New Hampshire with many more pending publication. This continued media coverage is a great step toward moving this legislation across the finish line to help countless dialysis patients across the country. Andrew Conkling – [...]

Kidney Month Wrap Up

April 10th, 2018|

This year World Kidney Day was also on International Women’s day. Global organizers took this as an opportunity to focus on women’s health and kidney disease. It’s only appropriate that we feature three courageous women who shared their story with media to spread awareness of kidney disease. Joyce Lane from Tennessee shared her story of living with Bright’s disease, also known as glomerulonephritis, a condition where the kidney’s glomeruli (filters) are damaged and unable to adequately clean waste from the blood. This condition is inherited and Joyce [...]

DPC Hosts Successful Advocacy Day

April 10th, 2018|

It was a cold and rainy Tuesday, when dialysis patients, family members and healthcare providers descended on Capitol Hill to meet with legislators about expanding coordinated care efforts. This was a record setting year for the advocacy day, beginning with the application process which saw over 150 applicants and ending with the number of meetings held, 142. This was the largest patient advocacy day DPC has hosted since September 2013 in response to the drastic proposed funding cuts for dialysis. The weekend was very busy, but our [...]

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