
Dialysis Patient Citizens News

Dialysis Patient Citizens’ Statement of Principles to Guide Formulation of Star Ratings

April 21st, 2015|

Dialysis Patient Citizens (DPC) endorses the following six principles to guide formulation of star ratings for Dialysis Facility Compare: Star ratings must use metrics that represent aspects of care that are important to patients. Star ratings should not simply rely upon any information that happens to be available; patient priorities should be ascertained and reflected in the ratings. Star ratings must drive improvement. Facilities should be held to absolute standards. They must be able to improve their scores through improved quality regardless of how competing facilities perform. Competition [...]

DPC Board of Directors Announces New Interim President

April 7th, 2015|

The DPC Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Jack Reynolds will serve as Interim President, effective immediately. Reynolds chairs the Board’s Policy Committee and previously served as Vice President. Few have the firsthand experience Reynolds does, having been on dialysis over 40 years. He took on the new role to allow former President Eric Edwards to take an extended leave of absence. Click here to read Reynold’s biography, along with that of the other DPC Board Members.

DPC Board Members to Serve on Three Technical Expert Panels

April 7th, 2015|

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regularly schedules technical expert panels (TEPs) to advise the agency on quality measures. In the words of CMS, a TEP is “a group of stakeholders and experts who provide technical input…on the development, selection, and maintenance of measures for which CMS contractors are responsible.” CMS is contracting with the University of Michigan Kidney Epidemiology and Cost Center (UM-KECC) to host a TEP on the Dialysis Facility Compare star rating system. While the complete roster of participants is not public yet, [...]

Urge Your Members of Congress to Take Action During National Minority Health Month

April 7th, 2015|

April is National Minority Health Month, an issue of vital importance for dialysis patients since even greater health disparities are reflected in the dialysis patient community. For example, African Americans are 3.5 times more likely to develop kidney failure than non-Hispanic white Americans, Hispanic Americans are 1.5 times more likely and Native Americans are 1.7 times more likely. Asian Americans are also more likely to develop kidney failure. Click here to urge your Members of Congress to co-sponsor the Chronic Kidney Disease Improvement in Research and Treatment Act (S. 598 [...]

Permanent Medicare Physician Payment Increase Passes Congress

April 7th, 2015|

Congress recently passed the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act, also known as the permanent “doc fix” bill. The bill passed the House of Representatives 392-37 and the Senate 92-8, with strong bipartisan support. The White House has announced President Obama’s intent to sign the bill into law. Those who voted in favor of the bill felt it was necessary to permanently replace the current Medicare physician payment formula. In 1997, Congress passed a formula known as the sustainable growth rate (SGR) formula, which unexpectedly dictated regular pay [...]

Celebrate World Kidney Day Today (March 12, 2015)

March 12th, 2015|

The 10th anniversary of World Kidney Day (WKD) is here!  WKD was started to raise awareness of the fact that 10% of the adult population worldwide has kidney disease.The goal of WKD is to educate people on the importance of their kidneys and on the most common causes of kidney disease (high blood pressure and diabetes).  The hope is to prevent kidney disease and related diseases in the first place.While our healthcare systems would benefit from reduced expenses, millions would benefit from an improved quality of life. This makes [...]

What are Dialysis Patients’ Priorities for Quality Information? Insights from DPC Patient Survey

March 11th, 2015|

After the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced its plans to release the Dialysis Facility Compare star rating system, DPC began to discuss with its membership what would make such a rating system successful. The two areas that DPC’s Board Members, Patient Ambassadors and membership all rated highest were 1) staff respect/listening and 2) patient education. Staff Respect/Listening: This topic compresses two questions from the annual Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) questionnaire that Medicare requires dialysis patients to complete. It was even [...]

Urge Your Members of Congress to Co-Sponsor the Chronic Kidney Disease Improvement in Research and Treatment Act!

March 11th, 2015|

Senators Ben Cardin (D-MD), Mike Crapo (R-ID) and Bill Nelson (D-FL) were joined by Representatives Tom Marino (R-PA), John Lewis (D-GA) and Peter Roskam (R-IL) in introducing the Chronic Kidney Disease Improvement in Research and Treatment Act (S. 598/H.R. 1130) to improve the health of kidney patients. If passed, this bill would provide access to Medicare Advantage (MA) plans for dialysis patients. This bill would also enhance current research efforts related to chronic kidney disease (CKD) by: Requiring the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to calculate the overall cost of [...]

DPC Fly-In Participants Lobby Members of Congress Despite Snow Storm, Government Closure

March 11th, 2015|

DPC’s annual Kidney Month fly-in was held last Wednesday and Thursday (March 4 & 5).  Patient advocates from across the country flew to Washington, DC to speak with their Members of Congress on issues critical to their care.  And despite numerous obstacles, they made sure their voices were heard. On March 4, patient advocates participated in an in-depth advocacy training, as many were going to Capitol Hill for the first time. This training helped to ensure that participants had the information and confidence to discuss the importance [...]

DPC Urges Arizona to Maintain Medicaid Reimbursement for Dialysis

February 27th, 2015|

Governor Doug Ducey 1700 West Washington St. Phoenix, AZ 85007 RE: Proposed Cuts to Medicaid Coverage Dear Governor Ducey, As America’s largest patient-led organization representing over 28,000 members, Dialysis Patient Citizens (DPC) works to improve the quality of life of all dialysis patients through education and advocacy. Dialysis is a life-sustaining care delivered to over 12,400 patients in Arizona who have End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), also known as kidney failure. For those with ESRD, receiving regular dialysis or a kidney transplant are the only treatments that allow [...]

DPC Elevates Patient Priorities with Medicare Regarding Dialysis Facility Compare Star Ratings

February 18th, 2015|

Elena Balovlenkov, R.N. Technical Lead for Dialysis Facility Compare Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 7500 Security Boulevard Mail Stop S3-02-01 Baltimore, MD 21224 Dear Elena: To meet your timeline for raising issues to be brought before the DFC Star Rating TEP, DPC recently conducted a survey of our active patient volunteers asking them to identify priority items for quality measures to be included in both DFC star ratings and the QIP. Per the advice of the Kidney Care Quality Alliance (KCQA) consultant on quality measures, we [...]

DOPPS Releases Results on Dialysis Trends from 2010-2014

February 4th, 2015|

The Arbor Research Collaborative for Health researches dialysis through their Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS), among other programs. The DOPPS Practice Monitor (DPM) recently released trends they observed in dialysis facilities from 2010-2014. Hemoglobin trends The recommended hemoglobin level for a dialysis patient is between 10 – 11 g/dl.  From 2010 to 2014, mean hemoglobin (Hgb) levels in dialysis patients declined from 11.5 g/dl to 10.9 g/dl. The percentage of dialysis patients with Hgb under 10 g/dl rose from 8.3% to 19.1%, which is bad news [...]

Department of Health & Human Services Announces Pay-for-Performance Goals

February 4th, 2015|

The US Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) recently announced goals for shifting the traditional fee-for-service Medicare payment model to a pay-for-performance model. In a pay-for-performance model, payment is based on the quality rather than quantity of care provided. One HHS goal is to tie 30% of fee-for-service Medicare payments to quality through alternative payment models like Accountable Care Organizations or bundled payments by the end of 2016, and 50% by the end of 2018. The dialysis community has a unique history in this area. Dialysis providers [...]

Affordable Care Act Enrollment Reaches 9.5 Million as February 15 Deadline Approaches

February 4th, 2015|

Open enrollment for individual coverage in the Affordable Care Act (ACA)’s public health insurance exchanges began in November of last year. The deadline for enrollment is February 15, 2015. So far approximately 9.5 million people have either newly enrolled or re-enrolled in the exchanges, with 7.1 million enrolling in the 37 states that use the federal marketplace, HealthCare.gov. Of those 7.1 million, approximately 6.2 million received financial assistance to help pay for coverage. Also, 4.16 million re-enrolled in health plans, and 3 million selected a plan for the [...]

Insights with Jack: Accidental Advocate

February 2nd, 2015|

By Jack Reynolds, DPC Board Member and Patient Ambassador As it is Ground Hog Day, I thought I would come out of my winter hole and blog once more. March is only four weeks away, and it will be time to visit Washington, D.C. and another chance for Dialysis Patient Citizen Ambassadors to bring our issues and concerns to our elected Congressional Representatives and Senators. Although I have made this journey many times since 2005, I am not a “natural” political advocate; and in fact, if not for [...]

Dialysis, ESRD and EEOC

February 2nd, 2015|

By Devon Osborne, DPC Board Member and Patient Ambassador Back a couple years ago, I had to sue my employer through the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) for violating my rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Below is some of my experience doing that. In light of the recent posts and comments here and elsewhere, I figured it was time to post about the process I went through with the EEOC and getting my case filed and accepted. Immediately after I got home the fateful day [...]

DPC’s Jackson Williams Named NAIC Consumer Liaison Representative

January 12th, 2015|

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), a membership organization for the nation’s chief insurance regulators, recently named 30 consumer liaison representatives for 2015. Through these representatives, who are committed to the public interest, consumers can interact with NAIC’s membership, the insurance industry and other interested parties. “Our consumer liaison representatives play an integral part in helping the NAIC and regulators protect U.S. insurance consumers,” said Monica J. Lindeen, NAIC President-Elect and Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance. “This partnership program is an important component of our [...]

Insights with Jack: Holiday Greetings

December 18th, 2014|

By Jack Reynolds, DPC Patient Ambassador and Board Member Seasons come and go, and cold winds blow. Holiday Greetings! Well, I would never have made it as a Hallmark card bard. One of my most vivid recollections of Christmas, which is almost dreamlike now, is lying alone in a hospital room pondering my gloomy fate and thinking about my family and what was going through their minds. The previous day I had met Dr. Condon for the first time, and she had informed me that I had [...]

Dialysis Facility Compare Star Ratings Draw First Challenge to CMS Quality Measures Under Data Quality Act

December 16th, 2014|

Skewed geographic distribution of star ratings demonstrates program’s flaws, says Dialysis Patient Citizens WASHINGTON, D.C. (Dec. 16, 2014) — Dialysis Patient Citizens has filed the first challenge to a CMS quality program under the Data Quality Act, contending that the agency’s Dialysis Facility Compare (DFC) star ratings methodology fails to satisfy federal requirements for objectivity and utility in presenting information to the public. The day after being served with the complaint, CMS conceded it should have conducted cognitive testing of this system on consumers, reversing a position the agency had defended for nearly four months. [...]

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