
COVID-19 Resources for Dialysis Patients

2024-03-29T01:12:06+00:00March 31st, 2020|Categories: Article, Promote Financial Security, Transportation Services|Tags: |

Here is a list of resources for dialysis patients to help them get additional support during the COVID-19 viral outbreak and beyond. Resource topics include: disability, financial assistance, nutrition, healthcare, housing and utilities, jobs, transportation, women and children, daily living, and staying safe. In addition, visit your state department of health website for COVID-19 information that is specific to your area.

DPC Supports Increased Access and Quality of Care for Dialysis Patients Amid COVID-19

2025-01-30T20:55:41+00:00March 23rd, 2020|Categories: Care Coordination, Comment Letter, Increase Quality of Care, Medicare Advantage, Transportation Services, Treatment Options|Tags: |

DPC provided feedback to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding the COVID-19-related issues that the kidney community is facing. DPC made recommendations to HHS in the following areas: Transportation COVID-19 Treatments and Vaccinations Home Dialysis People with End-Stage Renal Disease have a higher risk for developing a severe illness from COVID-19. As a result, it is crucial we do all that we can to help this vulnerable population in order to decrease the negative impact and spread of the virus. Read DPC's letter to HHS below for more details: Kumiko Lippold, PhD, MPH Department of Health [...]

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Information for Dialysis Patients

2024-03-29T01:12:07+00:00March 6th, 2020|Categories: Article|Tags: |

Coronavirus disease 2019 (abbreviated COVID-19) is a new respiratory virus spreading to the United States. Although the health risk is low in this country at this time, we know that people who have chronic illnesses, weakened immune systems and/or are over the age of 60 could pose an increased risk if they develop the disease. That said, it is not a time to panic, but rather a time to use procedures that help prevent the flu, coronavirus and other infections.

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